Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Failures lead to Success!

Crawl before you walk. Do not bite off more than you can chew. Do not feed a baby steak.

These are all old wise tales which are very true in every sense of the word. This is especially true for business owners and entrepreneurs. Those people who try to start too fast or go after something too big too quickly, usually fail. We all have to start somewhere, but I suggest start at the beginning. Worse than not starting at the beginning is not starting at all. Too many people talk the talk but never back it up by walking the walk.

I suggest to you, just don’t talk but find a way to start. Start small, but start. It is better to have ten small failures before success, than one large failure and never try again. Most entrepreneurs have failed multiple times before achieving success.

Failure is only failure when we quit. If you are going to make mistakes, make them small failures, learn from them and then try again but just take a different route.

1 comment:

  1. great post! I totally agree with you! Many well-known entrepreneurs have failed before achieving success. Great people like Richard Branson, Ray Kroc or Yury Mintskovsky worked hard and finally they succeeded in their careers! They are great role models!
